Linkletter: Agriculture Climate Adaptation Plan Consultation

Linkletter Community Centre 1670 Route 11, Linkletter Road, Linkletter, Prince Edward Island, Canada

The PEI Federation of Agriculture is leading the development of a climate change adaptation plan for the Island’s agriculture sector.

PEIFA Annual General Meeting

Confederation Centre of the Arts 145 Richmond St, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

The 83rd PEIFA Annual General Meeting is scheduled for January 26th, 2024 at the Confederation Centre of the Arts. We ask that you please register (for free) in advance by visiting here. Register for the AGM Registration and the trade show begins at 8:30am, with the meeting beginning at 10am. The agenda will include remarks from the […]

Rotational Grazing Seminar

O’Leary Community Complex 18 Community St, O'Leary, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Join the PEIFA and PEIDAL to discuss advanced grazing and how you can start adopting this beneficial management  practice. Register to get a free laminated farm map, start your grazing plan, and OFCAF application. Register

Rotational Grazing Seminar

Harbourview Training Center 28 Church Ave, Souris, PE, Canada

Join the PEIFA and PEIDAL to discuss advanced grazing and how you can start adopting this beneficial management  practice. Register to get a free laminated farm map, start your grazing plan, and OFCAF application. Register

PEIFA Climate Action Day

Red Shores Racetrack and Casino 58 Kensington Road, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada

PEI farmers have made climate action a part of doing business and are now sustainability leaders. Join us March 15th to learn about 2024 climate action funding, contribute to PEI agriculture's adaptation plan, and hear the latest on research and programming. OFCAF 2024 Program Launch Farmer-led Climate Action Plan Carbon Credit Program Update Stakeholder Program […]

Breakfast on the Farm

Kool Breeze Farms 231 Read Drive, Summerside, PE, Canada

Breakfast On The Farm is a unique opportunity for farmers, visitors and Islanders to share a meal and have a conversation about food and farming. Guests attending this event will be treated to a locally sourced breakfast and will have the opportunity to tour a modern PEI family farm, ask questions of real farmers and […]

Advanced Grazing Pasture Walk

Oyster Cove Farms Hamilton, PE, Canada

Matt Ramsay of Oyster Cove Farms is a potato farmer with a focus on building soil health. As part of this effort, he is now custom grazing cow calf pairs, aiming to develop mutually beneficial collaborations between neighbors. Oyster Cove Farms benefits from additional manure and cover crop management to improve soil health, and their neighbor benefits […]